Observer ADZ
The trusted classified Guide in the market since the year 2010 and distributed with Sunday Observer weekly. This lucrative tabloid is focused on Small and Medium enterprises as well as corporate entities. Box spaces are marketed to the advertisers at concessionary rates. Box ads with images and Classified ads are included as Classifications for easy reference and it has been positioned in the market as “It’s what you want”
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Silumina / WATAPITA

The WATAPITA is the tabloid paper designed and made for Classified and Matrimonial ads apart from box ads of selected Classifications. It has been positioned in the market as “පල දරන්න – පළ කරන්න ” The WATAPITA is distributed with Silumina paper weekly. Target Market is Small and Medium entrepreneurs.
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Classified Ads
Word based advertisements that cater for individual clients as well as Small and Medium entrepreneurs for selling their products at low cost compared to box type ads. Entire Classified ads are categorized focus on classification for easy references of buyers. The Classified ads are mainly carried on weekend papers, Silumina / WATAPITA in Sinhala, Observer ADZ in English and Thinkaran VM in Tamil. The Classified section has been positioned in the market as “ Trusted Market Place of Classified Advertisers”
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Matrimonial ads
Matrimonial ads are Trusted and Services based platform designed (Target Segment) for individual clients those who living in SrI Lanka and Overseas and it is too word based ads. The Matrimonial ads mainly carried on weekend papers, Silumina / WATAPITA in Sinhala, Sunday Observer main paper in English and Thinkaran VM in Tamil under BRIDE and BRIDEGROOM columns. The clients who come for papers are eligible to place same ad paying additional charges on its internet. It is positioned in the market as “Decade of Trusted Services”
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Budget Adz
The target market of this type of ads category is individual and SME clients and market box spaces at concessionary rates. This concept has been applied for Daily News and Thinakaran Vaara Manjari papers. BUDGET ADZ has been positioned in the market as “It suits your budget”
Obituary Notices
Obituary Notices are based on words and this service has been provided to clients for more than 3 decades by charging low rates. The clients have opportunity to place their Obituary notices mainly Sunday Observer and Silumina week end papers as well as Dinamaina and Daily News daily papers and its internet. Sri Lankan who living in Sri Lanka and overseas are regular advertisers on this platform.